Test our new product range of cup wheels now. 


Our red hot cup wheels

Test our product range of cup wheels now. 


Our red hot

cup wheels

Test our new product range of cup wheels now. 



With 100 years of experience the STELLA GROUP continues to develop very dynamically. In addition many projects are implemented in our research and development department in close collaboration with our customers. This has led to a further strengthening of the market position of the STELLA GROUP in recent years.

Made in Germany

We develop and produce exclusively in Germany. Only here we find the optimal frame conditions and the qualified experts to be able to supply for you first-class work. Development, production, material planning and dispatching are located under one roof. Thus we can respond quickly and flexibly to possible changes within the order management and stay close to the customer.

Eco-friendly production

Sustainable and environmentally-friendly thinking and acting are thus a important component of STELLA's company policy. Therefore we produce with renewable energies by using own photovoltaic technologies. Furthermore, additional efforts will be made to 


  • Permanent measures to save energy
  • Waste avoidance as well as environmentally friendly waste disposal
  • Internal quality and safety standards
  • Future-oriented and responsible environmental protection
  • Modern post-combustion and dedusting facilities

STELLA SunGrind ®

STELLA SunGrind ® - The wheel with the special bite. With the newly developed bond system STELLA SunGrind® the STELLA GROUP is placing an innovative product on the market. Abrasives with this bond matrix surprise with an extraordinarily good profile retention. Additional benefits are an extension of the dressing cycle and the improved lifetime of the grinding wheels. Also the cutting features are enhanced by the bond system STELLA SunGrind®. This will allow to replace in parts the sintered corundum with grinding wheels made of fused aluminium oxides and consequently to reduce grinding costs. 

STELLA SunGrind®

Advantages from an optimised bond matrix expecially when using fused aluminium oxides:
  • Increased cutting efficiency
  • Extraordinary good profile retention
  • Very cool cutting
  • Extension of the dressing cycle
  • Improved lifetime

Here you can find more information

STELLA SunGrind®

Advantages from an optimised bond matrix expecially when using fused aluminium oxides:
  • Increased cutting efficiency
  • Extraordinary good profile retention
  • Very cool cutting
  • Extension of the dressing cycle
  • Improved lifetime
Product Information SunGrind
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